Contribution for the Forum section of The Planetarian
Journal of the International Planetarium Society
Vol. 34, No. 2, June 2005
Question: How realistic is
President Bush’s new Space Initiative? Will astronaut safety issues hold NASA
back from achieving the initiative’s stated goals of establishing a base on the
Moon and Mars, or will it forge ahead and view this as its new reason for
being, for which the Agency has been searching these last few decades?
Will American astronauts go back to the Moon within the
next twenty years? Despite the huge cost, I am sure that, somehow, Congress
will make sure Americans return to the Moon before the Chinese and other
foreign powers reach the Moon. Yes, we have another “Space Race.”
Will American astronauts reach Mars within a decade or two
thereafter? Considering the price tag of such a mission, I doubt it. The
official line will be that there are “delays.” In reality, without pressure
from a “Space Race” to Mars (as no other power could afford to even think about
sending people to Mars), Congress will not be willing to provide the additional
funding necessary for such a mission anytime in the foreseeable future.
Having the future of space exploration depend on political
“space races” is not the way for mankind to reach out into outer space. And the
costs of the current NASA initiative, including the shutting-down of the Hubble
Space Telescope and the Voyager missions to the edge of the Solar System, are
pennywise and pound-foolish!
NASA has had many successes over the last 45 years—and some
setbacks, as all human endeavors experience setbacks, from time-to-time.
However, no one nation, or even group of nations, can commit the amount of
public resources to aggressively move mankind into space, as I believe needs to
be done. This is particularly true in a pluralistic democracy, with many
competing interests.
The very limited public funding available should be spent to
maximize the benefits of the existing space infrastructure, including Hubble,
Voyagers, and the International Space Station. The taxpayers have already made
huge investments in this infrastructure. This infrastructure should not be
cast-aside or completely abandoned. Abandoning valuable infrastructure is not
conservative, in the true definition of the word!
Mankind desperately needs to aggressively move into outer
space, and not just for exploration. As the world population continues
increasing, and resources to support that population continue dwindling, we
need to find new resources, out there, to support the people on our planet.
I would also argue that the government should commit some
resources to promote an aggressive, manned, commercial space program. Yes, this
past-year’s success of SpaceShipOne, and the prospect of
a Space Tourism industry, is a good first step. But, we need to go much farther
than Space Tourism.
In the mid-nineteenth century,
when Congress wanted to develop the American West, they enacted specific
incentives to such development: Railroad Land Grant Act of 1850 and the
Homestead Act of 1862. To make similar incentives for outer space development
will probably require the amending, or complete rewriting, of the Outer Space
Treaty of 1967 (which is vague on commercial space activities). Without a new
or amended space treaty designed for the needs of the twenty-first century,
which provides for property rights on celestial bodies, outer space development
will continue to lag.
And, a successful, aggressive,
manned, commercial space program would actually increase scientific access to outer space. So long as there is a
government near-monopoly on manned space exploration, the costs of manned
scientific exploration of space will remain high, and a government bureaucracy
will decide which scientists go into space and which cannot.
With a successful, aggressive,
manned commercial space program, over time the price for human access to space
will come down. And, eventually, even planetarians will be able to afford to go
into space (and I do not mean just a suborbital tourist flight), and perhaps
even conduct their own independent research in space!
Planetarium Lecturer 1988-1991
Observatory Coordinator 1986-1991
original Buhl
2005 April 8
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